Friends of Framingham – Followup
About 50 people gathered in a large room at the Elks Lodge in October to learn more about the Transition movement around the world, and specifically, Transition Framingham. The purpose of Transition is to help move one’s town towards a better future in uncertain times by encouraging community resilience and sustainability. After dessert and beverages, invited town leaders sat down to hear how the local group got started and to help plan a larger event called “I <3 Framingham” to be held in early February. After viewing a short film about climate change and diminishing supplies of oil and hearing from several of Transition Framingham’s initiators, participants reassembled in small groups (clergy, town officials, arts administrators, business owners etc.) to jointly come up with 1) a list of people and organizations to invite to the February event; 2) to consider an individual or a group to nominate for an award for community resilience; and 3) to share ideas on how to include minorities, low income residents, and elderly residents whose contribution might otherwise be overlooked. Over one-hundred seventy names were generated!
Those interested in helping the plan the “I <3 Framingham” event further are invited to attend the next meeting on November 18th, at 4pm at Grace Church (76 Salem End Road, Framingham).